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Writing From The Heart - Revamp

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Writing From The Heart - Revamp Empty Writing From The Heart - Revamp

Post by Yoshiki Sat May 13, 2023 2:10 pm


Name: Saku Kurosawa
Age: 19 (21)
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10" (6' 0")
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Saku10
Bio: A quiet boy, Saku has few friends and mostly stays to himself. Can you find out the reason why and win his affection?
Real Bio:
Other: Saku's name means "Remembrance Of The Lord"
After leaving VR:

Name: Yuuki Maki
Age: 19 (20)
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 9" (5' 11")
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Yuuki_10
Bio: The 'older' sibling of twin Yoshiki, Yuuki is a quirky boy who prefers to dress as a girl and speak childishly. Despite a few bullies, Yuuki is a cheerful boy and never seems bothered. Will you write a romance together?
Real Bio:
Other: Yuuki's name means "Gentle Hope"
After leaving VR:

Name: Yoshiki Maki
Age: 19 (21)
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 10" (6' 5")
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Yoshik10
Bio: The 'younger' sibling of twin Yuuki. Despite having a tough guy appearance Yoshiki can be very sweet and caring. He usually takes care of Yuuki's bullies. Can you capture this tsundere's heart?
Real Bio:
Other: Yoshiki's name means "Honor, Glory"
After leaving VR:

Name: Yusei Hashimoto
Age: 19 (21)
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 11" (6' 5")
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Yusei_10
Bio: A friend of your childhood friend that told you about The Writer's Club, Yusei has an interest in your welfare and will always lend an ear. He may even tell you how to win the heart you choose.
Real Bio:
Other: Yusei's name means "Save, Help"
After leaving VR:

Name: Giacomo 'Jack' Pirro
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 0"
Appearance: Eyes are Hazel-Green
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Lycanroc.full.2314891
Bio: Born at the height of the epidemic, Giacomo was raised to hate everyone trying to escape the illness instead of cure it. His mother, leader of the rebels, taught him everything he knows about hacking and surveillance. After losing both his parents to the illness, Giacomo took over leadership and has turned from mere sabotage to helping people escape the scientists. It was Giacomo that hacked Yoshiki and Yusei.
Other: Giacomo's hair color is the result of multiple attempts to dye it to hide his symptoms. (The illness is trying to 'rewrite' him, causing the color changes)

Name: Yekaterina Tatiana
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Height:6' 0"
Appearance: Eyes are blue
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Nana.Kazuki.600.1715581
Bio: Giacomo's hyperactive and childish fiancee, Yekaterina was rescued from the streets after being found after curfew by rebels at the age of 6. An orphan with no memories, Yekaterina grew up alongside Giacomo and was one of the few people that didn't start distancing themselves from him when he became infected. Yekaterina started studying virology and biology in an attempt to find a cure and save Giacomo, pouring her heart into her studies and experiments, but all she managed was to grow 'Blanks'.
Other: Yekaterina's bracelet is a portable monitor that keeps her up-to-date on Giacomo's health.

Name: Camilla Tatiana-Pirro
Gender: Female
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Aya.Dravis.600.1406838
Other: Chatty daughter of Yekaterina and Giacomo, Yuri's 'older' twin.

Name: Yuri Tatiana-Pirro
Gender: Male
Writing From The Heart - Revamp Sakata.Gintoki.full.513407
Other: Mute son of Yekaterina and Giacomo, Camilla's 'younger' twin.

Posts : 2555
Join date : 2013-08-09
Age : 29
Location : Home

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